World Anti-Counterfeiting and Anti-Piracy Day

By: Nadya León, Brand Protection Associate

Each June 8th, World Anti-Counterfeiting and Anti-Piracy Day is celebrated, established in 1999 by the members of the Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group (GACG).[1], with the aim of raising awareness among the population about the harms associated with the manufacturing and purchasing of counterfeit products.

According to a survey of consumers from 17 countries conducted by the Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection at Michigan State University[2], it was found that the purchase of counterfeit goods is common, with more than half of global consumers admitting to knowingly buying counterfeit products (non-deceptive purchases). Among the most commonly purchased counterfeit items are clothing and footwear, according to the same survey. Additionally, the survey revealed that while the primary motivation for buying counterfeit products is economic (saving money), consumers are also driven by psychological motives such as pleasure and experiences in their purchases. Therefore, the psychological factor influences consumer behavior and should be addressed in national strategies to combat piracy.

While the economic aspect is influential, it is important to make consumers aware that when purchasing counterfeit products, they should not only consider the price but also the medium- and long-term effects of their purchase. In most cases, counterfeit products are of poor quality, which can damage the reputation of registered brands, lead to economic losses for brand owners, and even pose health risks to consumers, as in the case of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. According to the National Directorate of Medicines[3] The marketing of counterfeit medicines creates two major problems: 1- It jeopardizes public health because these medications do not meet quality standards and good manufacturing practices. 2- It represents unfair competition and causes losses to both national and international companies.

Romero Pineda, through its Brand Protection unit, joins in the celebration of this day, raising awareness about the importance of not purchasing counterfeit goods. This is due to their negative effects on national economies, loss of foreign investment, harm to consumer health, and damage to the environment.

Romero Pineda's Brand Protection department offers various strategies to defend the intellectual property of our clients. These include civil and criminal actions against counterfeiters, as well as border measures to protect these valuable assets. Our efforts aim to promote respect for trademarks, patents, and copyrights, safeguarding the integrity and creativity of their creators. By doing so, we contribute to protecting consumers' right to choose high-quality products that do not jeopardize their money or health. Ultimately, our initiatives help create a positive investment climate in our market.

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